Friday, November 1, 2013

Ruff Life

This month has been ruff. We are moving to a new house. When I first heard the news I thought YES a new back yard!!!! But between packing, phone calls, an paperwork there seems to be no time for me. To top the month off Roar has been sick for a whole week!!! Apparently mom is not a good multitasker because it is ALL ABOUT ROAR. I must have missed the memo so I'm NOT jumping on that ban wagon. I'll post Halloween blog later. For those of you puppers everywhere that have a new member of the pack--good luck


  1. Hi Doc, we missed you, don't worry about being gone, it happens and you just can't control. We be gone for over two months, but back now, we sure missed all the fun stuff in Blogville!

    The Mad Scots

  2. OMD you know it's not all about you it's all about me. Woof you buddy.

    Aroo to you,

  3. Oh boy Doc, that is just terribles!! Peeps should know it's all abouts YOU! Oh well, once Roar is betters, I'm sure it'll be all abouts YOU again!! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  4. Sometimes things happens like that, We will be here when you get all moved.


  5. Good luck with moving. We hope it all goes well and we see you soon. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly
